Fishing with kids – A family vacation experience like no other

Esnagami Lodge has been a favourite vacation spot for generations of fisherman and their families. It’s a special thing when we host Grandparents, parents, and their young children for a week’s worth of nature, adventure, and yes – trophy walleye and pike fishing.

 We could tell you how much fun your family will have on an Esnagami fly-in fishing vacation. We could try and describe the experience of boarding a floatplane and flying back into untouched wilderness, or the comfort of fishing with kids our sturdy cedar strip boats. We could even mention the magic of a shore lunch and the anticipation of the home-cooked desserts. But rather then tell you about all that, it might be more fun if you experienced a family fishing vacation through the eyes of The River and Wilder Show.

Esnagami Lodge has had the pleasure of hosting the hit YouTube show, The River and Wilder show, for the last few seasons. They’ve visited us and filmed episodes for their channel featuring their boys, ages 5 & 7, catching stringers full of walleye and catch and releasing trophy pike. We encourage you to grab your kids, make some popcorn, and take a look at the joy and family bonding a family fishing trip can create.

More family fishing videos: